Sunday, 2 October 2011

Lies, Damn Lies, and Quotations...

Apparently my my Saturday “Sand in the Shorts” column has gotten the attention of the Liberals and NDP. First, the Liberals included a quote from “Hudak Makes the Grade (Barely)" in this press release:

Priority List Faces Horwath's Growing Credibility Gap

Horwath Having Trouble Keeping Her Stories Straight
TORONTOOct. 1, 2011 /CNW/ - Andrea Horwath is presenting her so-called priorities list while facing a growing credibility gap.
"[She claimed] that her son went to Hamilton General Hospital with a broken arm and didn't get treated.  Horwath was forced to back away from that claim... It was wrong of Horwath to push the envelope in such a way. In fact, it was dumb of her [to] exaggerate about something that could easily be checked. The number one rule of politics is don't lie — because you'll surely get found out. And yes, it speaks to character that she told a big one."
Christina BlizzardToronto Sun, October 1, 2011
"[Horwath] has struggled with facts and figures ... During a visit this week to The Globe and Mail's editorial board, Ms. Horwath confused details of her platform, including implying that a cap on the salaries of public-sector executives would save $20-million, and an acknowledgment that she wasn't sure to what the figure referred."
Adam Radwanski, Globe & Mail, October 1, 2011
"Tim Hudak's Progressive Conservatives and Andrea Horwath's New Democrats... neither has put forward credible plans."
Toronto Star Editorial, October 1, 2011
"Horwath was asked whether there was a financial connection between Cornerstone, a company that owns a building on Richmond St. E. where the NDP leases offices for its headquarters, and the NDP campaign. At first, she said Cornerstone had, 'no role whatsoever,' ...In fact, Cornerstone put up $4.3 million collateral for a loan used to finance the NDP campaign."
Christina BlizzardToronto Sun, October 1, 2011
"Andrea Horwath, leader of the NDP, demonstrating her complete unreadiness for the job of premier at every turn, by responding to every concern with another goofy promise."
- James Phieffer, Belleville Intelligencer, October 1, 2011
"Her mantra seems to by 'why let the truth get in the way of a good political rant.'  Well, thank you Andrea for providing the Ontario campaign with its first Sarah Palin moment."
Bill Kelly, CHML Radio, September 29, 2011
Later, the NDP retaliated with this release, quoting other parts of the same articles and statements:
FACT CHECK: Liberals adrift with selective quoting

TORONTOOct. 1, 2011 /CNW/ - The Ontario Liberals put out a press release today featuring quotes from comment pieces about Andrea Horwath. They conveniently left out these parts:
"Dalton McGuinty has had two terms to prove he is the right person for the job — and has completely failed. If times get tough over the next few years, we can't afford to have Gilligan in command."
- James Phieffer, Belleville Intelligencer, Oct. 1, 2011
"Frankly, it's a bit rich that McGuinty, the guy who twice promised not to hike our taxes — and then promptly raised our taxes twice — can now look us in the eye and complain about another politician not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Christina BlizzardToronto Sun, Oct. 1, 2011
"So why's McGuinty so worked up about all of this? Clearly polls are showing them that Horwath is gaining — big time. Compared to the lacklustre performance of the two men during the debate, she shone."
Christina BlizzardToronto Sun, Oct. 1, 2011
"The danger for Mr. McGuinty is that voters, concerned about their pocketbooks and cognizant of new economic realities, are wary of what he'll next ask of them as the province tries to get its finances in order."
Adam Radwanski, Globe and Mail, Oct. 1, 2011
Apparently, my opinions of other parties are held in high esteem by the powers that be within the Ontario Liberals and NDP.  Notably - or likely not - they seem less taken with my observations on their own parties.  Significant?  No more so than an observation on the likelihood of the sun rising in the east.  But for a writer, knowing someone saw fit to read and share my thoughts on anything is something of an ego-boost.

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