Friday, 22 October 2010

A Coward (But NOT a Complete Idiot) Speaks (Caution: Attempted Humour Zone)

Yes, I admit it.  I almost endorsed some candidates Wednesday.  Then my brain returned from whatever alternate dimension it had been exploring and hit me upside the head with a two-by-four.  There are only two good reasons for endorsing someone else when in my position:

  1. Not being in my position.
  2. Sudden, severe brain trauma.^
  3. A large amount of cash in an unmarked envelope*
These don't apply for the following reasons:

  1. I am in my position.
  2. No brain trauma recently.^
  3. No cash*
So, don't expect any endorsements coming from this candidate until after the election.  I will then endorse the winners (hopefully including myself, of course).

* - do you REALLY think I was serious here?  Come on... Speaking of serious brain trauma^...
^ - no disrespect meant to the serious matter of brain injuries - only trying to use humour aimed at those of us who only wish we had a brain to be traumatized.

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